The Zemplén mountains (also Tokaj mountains) is a mountain range in North-East Hungary, famous for its culture, its many medieval stone castles and its interesting fauna and flora influenced by the Carpathian mountains, and last, but not least, for its viper population. In 2009, October was very nice and with some friends, we took a trip there, to the peaceful mountain villages of Hejce and Mogyoróska and to the ruins of the Regéc Castle, built around 1300. Location: Zemplén Mountains. Date: 03.10.2009.
A blog about nature photography, nature videos, photo trips, photo trekking, macro, photo equipment, insects, spiders, other animals, plants, fungi, flora and fauna, rare & endemic species, national parks, biodiversity, microscopy.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Szeged, Hungary (Szeged, Ungarn) (Szeged, Magyarország) 09.2009.
In September, 2009 I spent two days in the city of Szeged, South Hungary. I went out for taking photos along the rivers Tisa and Maros (Mureș), my main goal was to find the unique European Stalke-Eyed fly, Sphyracephala europaea, that was quite recently described from this location, as the first European member of this peculiar family. While searching for this creature, I managed to find many other interesting species as well. Location: Szeged. Date: 11-12.09.2009.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Central Bükk Mts., Hungary (Zentrales Bükk-Gebirge, Ungarn) (Bükk-hgys. középső része, Magyarország) 06.2009
During the university field trip in June, 2009 we spent some time in the middle part of the Bükk mts. The most interesting landscape here is the Nagymező on the Bükk Plateau, a mountain pasture/meadow that was formed some hundreds of years ago when a part of the forest was chopped down. Grazing animals, mainly horses helped to maintain the treeless landscape and later this area became a refuge for many rare plants that need the cool mountain climate but can not grow in the forest. Nowadays, a herd of Lipizzans are kept here by the Bükk National Park. Of course, the arthropod fauna is also very interesting here. Location: Central Bükk Mts. Date: 06.2009.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Western Bükk Mts., Hungary (Westliches Bükk-Gebirge, Ungarn) (Bükk-hgys. nyugati része, Magyarország) 06.2009.
As a biologist student in June, 2009 I took part on a field trip into the Bükk mts. (almost entirely a National Park) in North-East Hungary. We traveled through much of the Western part of this mountain range and we also made a long trip in the central part. The weather was unusually wet for this time of the year in 2009 but this fact resulted in many flowers that were still in blossom, so, after all we had luck. Here are some photos, mainly of plants, made on that week. Location: Western Bükk Mts. Date: 06.2009.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Bakony mountains, Hungary (Bakonygebirge, Ungarn) (Bakony, Magyarország) 04.2009.
In the spring of 2009 we visited the Bakony mountains in West-Hungary, to take photos of the Hungarian subspecies of the Mountain Cowslip (or Bear's Ear), an ice age relict plant known only from a few localities in the country. We also visited the Yew Forest of Szentgál, the second largest yew forest of Europe. Location: Southern Bakony. Date: 09.04.2009.