Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Bükk Mountains, Hungary (Bükk Gebirge, Ungarn) (Bükk-hegység, Magyarország) 02-10.2007.

I collected some of my oldest nature photos, taken with a compact camera back in 2007 in Hungary. They mostly show species that I haven't encountered since then or that are otherwise interesting. Location: Bükk Mts. Date: 02-10.2007.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Hajdú-Bihar County, Hungary (Komitat Hajdú-Bihar, Ungarn) (Hajdú-Bihar megye, Magyarország) 03-10.2007.

I collected some of my oldest nature photos, taken with a compact camera back in 2007 in Hungary. They mostly show species that I haven't encountered since than or that are otherwise interesting. Location: Hajdú-Bihar County. Date: 03-10.2007.