Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bükk Mountains, Hungary (Bükk Gebirge, Ungarn) (Bükk-hegység, Magyarország) 11.2011.

At the end of November, we traveled to Ómassa, a small village in the Bükk mountains to make a small trip in the beech forest. The temperature was -6 °C, here it is always a bit colder than in other parts of the Bükk. Different types of frost crytals covered the fallen leaves and stones on the ground...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Debrecen, Hungary (Debrecen, Ungarn) (Debrecen, Magyarország) 11.2011.

In the botanic garden of Debrecen University, on a nice November day, I made some pictures to represent the autumn mood. Also, I will show some microscope photos made of the tiniest arthropods of Hungary, also found in the garden.