Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Vámospércs, Hungary (Vámospércs, Ungarn) (Vámospércs, Magyarország) 03.2015.

I took some photos of plants in the early spring between Vámospércs and Nyírábrány in the South Nyírség Region. Location: Vámospércs. Date: 03.2015.

Bagamér, Hungary (Bagamér, Ungarn) (Bagamér, Magyarország) 03.2015.

Most of the isolated remaining natural landscapes of the South Nyírség Region are integrated into the Hajdúság Landscape Protection Area. Here, on the north-eastern part of the Great Hungarian Plain, a slight depression may be called a valley, and small elevations are referred to as hills. Hence the names of some protected areas: Valley of the Kék-Kálló, or Daru Hills of Bagamér, parts of the Natura 2000 Network. Pannonic sand steppes, sand dunes, Molinia meadows, and lowland hay meadows sustain a remarkable biodiversity here. I visited Bagamér in spring, when the rare endemic Hungarian Pasque Flowers are in blossom.  Place: Bagamér. Date: 21-31.03.2015.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Debrecen and Erdőspuszta, Hungary (Debrecen und Erdőspuszta, Ungarn) (Debrecen és Erdőspuszta, Magyarország) 02-03.2015

In and around Debrecen (in the Hajdúság Region of Hungary) I have found some nice herbaceous plant species in the early spring of 2015. Location: Hajdúság. Date: 02-03.2015.

Alder Carr of Létavértes, Hungary (Erlenbruchwald bei Létavértes, Ungarn) (Létavértesi égerláp, Magyarország) 03.2015.

We visited the protected alder carr at Létavértes, South Nyírség Region in early March. This wet habitat has a rich soil fauna. Location: Újléta. Date: 21.03.2015.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Bereg Plain, Hungary (Ebene von Bereg, Ungarn) (Beregi-sík, Magyarország) 03.2015.

We travelled to Márokpapi, a small village in the Bereg Plain in East Hungary to catch the flowering of the relict population of Carpathian Crocuses in the local - and also relict - oak-hornbeam forest. Location: Márokpapi. Date: 14.03.2015.